Design Guide

James Madison University's Yearbook | The Bluestone

Awarded by the Associated Collegiate Press a Pacemaker Finalist (2022 Edition)


Design Editor

I had the pleasure of serving as the Design Edior for James Madison's Award Winning Yearbook The Bluestone.

In this role I planned all design aspects of the book including theme, colors, fonts, and cover design and was responsible for keeping the book cohesive throughout.

Theme Rationale

In the 2020-2021 Volume of The Bluestone our theme was "Resilience", as 2020-2021 was a year of lots of unprecedented events and societal change. We relfected that into the design with lots of light, soft colors and minimalistic speads to carry on the theme. This was also because a lot of our stories were about serious and historical events and that aesthetic was appropriate for those.

In this Volume, with our theme was "Change". The rationale of this theme was to represent our world coming out of the pandemic and symbolizing kind-of the light at end of the tunnel. It's about the change and optimism of not going back to the same normal instead going into a new normalcy. I decided to go for brighter, spring colors to symbolize this growth. However, the colors are still a little more muted to symbolize our fragility because not everything is how it once was.

For the fonts, I chose Puschkin because it is very nuetral and gives off a blunt tone. I chose this because we have now lived through a pandemic and learned to adapt and live in a new world and I wanted the book to reflect a tone that's not "sugarcoated" and to the point.


Design Guide

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Hand-coded and designed with love. | Julia Yeager 2023