Abroad Multimedia

Urbino Project 2022

In the summer of 2022, I was able to travel the Marche region of Italy to a small Renaissance town called Urbino. Here I was able to create a multimedia portfolio documenting the people and places of Urbino and the Marche Region. In this immersive experience, I learned how to navigate as a professional media producer in a foreign culture by working with Italian translators/interpreters to craft ready-to-publish feature stories. I was mentored by an experienced staff, including a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and a team of professionals with experience as Washington Post photographers, magazine executive editors, and major television market videographers to create my story.

Visit the site here!

Feature Story

For my assignment I was tasked to report on a Texas-based Opera School, Opera in Concert. Opera in Concert has been taking American opera students to Italy for 15 years with the Renaissance city of Urbino providing the perfect cultural and historical setting in the country where opera was born. I reported on an unlikely pupil, a 58 year old retiree.

Go to story here!

Photo Gallery

A component of the feature story was to include complementary photos to reinforce the feature story.

Video Story

The final piece of the portfolio was a video feature story. I partnered with Jennifer Yeager to report and create a feature video story about the Girolomoni Agritourismo, a small, environmentally sustainable lodging accommodation that includes much more than a cozy establishment but a legacy that has changed the ways of organic farming in Italy forever.

Hand-coded and designed with love. | Julia Yeager 2023