Laura Stanell, a rising sophomore at the University of Cincinnati, practices voice and stage direction in front of faculty, Edward Crafts and Heather Ross.
Joanna Percy (left), a rising sophomore at Wheaton College, listens in as student Lauren Manon (right), a rising senior at Southeastern Oklahoma State University, gives her advice on a note in one of her arias.
Katelyn Karcher, a rising senior at the University of Mobile, listens to Musical director and coach, Stephen Dubberly.
Lauren Manon, a student at Southeastern Oklahoma State University, smiles during her private lesson with Edward Crafts.
Katelyn Karcher (left), Hadassah Misner (middle), and Laura Stanell (right) play around to ease some nerves before their performance at Casa della Poesia.
Performers take their seats at Casa della Poesia moments before the start of their concert.
Edward Crafts (left) and student Doug Brunker (right) perform, “Ecco il magico liquore (L’elisir d’amore)" theatrically.
Hadassah Misner (left) and JT Hauser (right) perform the duet, “Caro elisir, sei mio (L’elisir d’amore)”.
Katelyn Karcher performs “O mio babbino caro” out into the audience.
Lauren Manon performs Giacomo Puccini’s “Senza mamma" from opera, Suor Angelica.
All the members of Opera in Concert perform “Va, pensiero (Nabucco)” for the final song of the concert. Following this concert, the program concluded.