IXD Work

Broke But Woke Mobile App

The objective of this project was to ideate, research, design, and prototype an interactive mobile app. My partner and I chose to create a mobile banking/savings app geared towards college students. This project focused on goal-driven design, usability, interactive design strategy, wireframing, and web and mobile app prototype development through AdobeXd.

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Problem Statement

College is often the first-time students do not live with guardian figures who either have control over their finances or keep up with their transactions. Most often, students will arrive at college with little to no experience of how to budget their money. Moreover, students will arrive at college with little to no knowledge of what expenses to expect.There needs to be a way to keep college students steadily working towards saving money in a fun, engaging, and useful way.

Our goal was to create an app created by college students for college students that can make these needs possible and feasible.

User Research

Defining Our Users

Our users are primarily college students who struggle with overspending and budgeting money. Most often, students will arrive at college with little to no experience of how to budget their money and are in need of having a system to easily keep track of spending and budgeting, specifically geared towards college students.

Data Analysis and Results:


Journey Maps:



Low-Fidelity Prototypes

High-Fidelity Prototypes

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Full Report:

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Hand-coded and designed with love. | Julia Yeager 2023